Essential Facts to Ask About When You Interview a Commercial Property Owner at Time of Listing
When it comes to the time of property listing, the agent has to get all the details about the property and the needs of the client. That being said, a few problems exist here:
The client may not tell you everything that you should know about them or their property
The client may forget to tell you critical things that impact the property marketing and sale or lease as the case may be.
The client may tell you things that are incorrect or misleading in an effort to sell their property faster.
Getting all the facts will therefore be so important to the way you in which you proceed with the property marketing and inspection process. Always take notes of the meetings with the client and any associated person that is providing information. Critical property information should be evidenced in writing.As a general rule, do not rely solely on verbal comment from anyone; take what you are told and then check it out first before you pass on information. The threat of a negligence claim or legal action is quite common in property agency activities.Hidden problems about the property are likely to exist. To support your listing processes with the client, here are some things to look into and ask questions about:
Search the property title to make sure that you are talking to and dealing with the legal property owner.
Check out any encumbrances or claims on the title. They may be registered or unregistered documents; in each case you will need a copy of the relevant document. If you do not understand what it is doing to the property, seek the guidance of a solicitor to help.
Claims and orders on the property may exist at any time. They usually come from the local building or health authority and will signify that something does not comply with current codes of occupancy. The local municipal council is a good place to start to get this information.
Get the history of the property from the client. Industrial property may present special challenges here given any risky industrial property use by previous tenants. Matters of the environment or dangerous substances may come into play.
Speak to the owners or occupiers of property nearby in case they know of other challenges in the area that you have not seen.
If the property contains tenants, then they are likely to share matters of property performance and maintenance with you. Ask questions here.
The services and amenities to the property could involve costs or supply issues. Check out gas, water, sewer. electricity, stormwater, drainage, data, roads, and telephone. When in doubt, ask more questions. Just because you can see something, does not mean that it is functional or that you can use it or tap into it.
Check out the local property zoning and regulations relating to your property and the precinct. The local planning office may have imposed some changes or restrictions here.
So this list is a good start for the times that you will be interviewing the property owners to undertake a listing. Create a checklist from your processes and use the checklist on all properties as they come to you as new business. Over time you will be able to modify the checklist to the different property types and issues associated.